Our Partnership is working to pursue real change in the decision-making for the future of the Greater Kabeljous area, considering the longevity of the environment, communities and economic activity. If our work resonates with you, please consider contributing and/or getting in touch via the contact form.
Your donation goes towards the costs of raising awareness of the conservation value of this land, as well as legal expenses incurred in compelling formal proclamation.
Name: Conservation Heritage Foundation Trust Bank: Investec
Branch Code: 580105 Account Number: 50020906393
The Greater Kabeljous conservation area is home to fauna and flora that is found nowhere else in the world. It contains the last remaining ecologically-viable portion of the Humansdorp Shale Renosterveld ecosystem. It is also habitat to the Black Harrier, an animal more endangered than the black rhino. This area needs to be conserved for ourselves and for future generations.
However this sensitive area is under threat from an illegal land invasion which threatens to destroy the fragile ecosystem. We are fighting this criminal action, and working toward the formal declaration of the land as protected.
The Greater Kabeljous Partnership is a 100% volunteer organisation. However as with many things in South Africa, we are funding a legal campaign to attempt to compell our state officials and institutions to do their job and protect this land from criminal activity. Also, in order to have maximum impact, we sometimes incur costs in raising awareness amongst the general public of what is happening.
Costs for worthwhile legal processes and raising awareness are significant. We are currently trying to raise R500,000 from the local community interested in protecting this land. If you are undecided, our recommended default donation is R250. That said, we would greatly appreciate anything you can spare.
Yes! The Conservation Heritage Foundation is s18A-registered. This means we can issue a compliant receipt that can be used for your tax return. If you would like a receipt please email your PoP to hello@greaterkabljous.org . As we are a small team of volunteers, due to the administrative burden, we can unfortunately only justify doing this for donations of R500 or more.
As an individual, you can donate to our organisation using the bank details above. Or you can start a creative awareness campaign on your own accord.
You may want to host a community conversation, create content, have a creative event or raise funds. Please get in touch via the contact form below and we will contact you!
Tell your friends and family about what’s at stake. Share this website, follow us on social media, and help share the message far and wide.
Email: hello@greaterkabeljous.org
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